FAQ Pilotfly H2 / H2-45

FAQ for Pilotfly H2:

  • Where can I find the instruction manual of the Pilotfly H2?
    --> You can download it from here. User manual
  • Where can I find older versions of the SimpleBGC Software?
    --> Older SimpleBGC Software versions can be downloaded here.
  • Where can gather more information about the SimpleBGC Software?
    --> The SimpleBGC user manual can be downloaded here.
  • How can I activate or use the invert mode?
    --> All Pilotfly products are capable to detect automatically the invert mode. Just turn the handle around while the gimbal is powered off and turn it on again. The gimbal detects automatically the invert mode and you are ready to go. All other profiles which can be selected via the Mode-button are working in the invert mode as well.
  • Where can I find the PID settings for my camera?
    --> Here you can access our PID database. (If you have a google account, then please log out first from your account otherwise you will not see any data.)
  • My gimbal is vibrating? What shall I do? Shall I do a reset?
    --> First of all do not make a reset of your gimbal, this will delete your individual profiles of your gimbal. Micro vibrations can be eliminated by changing the Filters in the Filter Tab. Before you do any changes please ensure you made a backup of your profiles!
  • System starts beeping and battery is fully charged. What can I do?
    --> Check battery level in the SimpleBGC GUI on the right bottom corner. Battery calibration might be necessary. Please follow the instruction for battery calibration.
  • Where can I find the serial no. of my gimbal?
    --> Serial no. of your gimbal can be read out via SimpleBGC Software. Establish connection with the gimbal and go to the tab "Upgrade" there you will find the serial no.

  • Gimbal is spinning around while powering on, what can I do to solve this?
    --> You might have mounted the fixation screw off the Roll axis on the wrong side. Please watch this
    video to see this issue and how to solve it.